Williams Sonoma Stove Top Simmer
Lately, I have been completely obsessed with stovetop simmers and figured I would document the ones I try on my blog. All of the simmer’s that I will be trying have been found on the internet by doing a simple google search.
If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I’ve done about 3 boils thus far. The ones that I’ve previously done have been used to help boost my immune system when there was a spike in covid cases. Yesterday I tried a very simple stovetop simmer that consisted of ingredients and made the apartment feel like a nice hug. In fact, the simmer is supposed to replicate the smell of Williams-Sonoma. I want to notate that with each stovetop simmer, if there’s an ingredient that I choose to use, that you do not particularly like, you can simply remove it and add something of your liking. In order to replicate this scent/simmer, you’ll want to ensure you have the following ingredients.
Vanila extract
I practically eyeballed how much rosemary I added. I harvested a few stems from the plant.
Next you’re going to cut up one lemon.
I added a spoonful of vanilla extract to the pot right before adding the water.
Once you’ve added all the ingredients to the pot, you want to boil it on the stove and then reduce it to a simmer. Simmer’s are the perfect way to reduce odors and give your home a nice aroma. They can last about a week if stored properly. If you’re a visual person like myself, check out this video of me showing how easy it is to replicate. Watch here
I will more thank likely be doing these forever, so i’m interested in knowing your thoughts and if you would try this!
Until next time,